​**New Statewide Graduation Requirements Beginning with the Class of 2023**
Senate Bill 1095, signed into law by Governor Tom Wolf on October 24, 2018, shifted Pennsylvania's reliance on high stakes testing as a graduation requirement to provide alternatives for high school students to demonstrate readiness for postsecondary success.
Beginning with the class of 2023, CASA students must meet the school's local requirements along with the new statewide requirements
Click HERE for details.
*Note - Children with disabilities who satisfactorily complete a special education program developed by an Individualized Education Program team under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act shall be granted and issued a regular high school diploma by the Capital Area School for the Arts Charter School. This applies if the special education program of a child with a disability does not otherwise meet the established graduation requirements. Students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) may meet the requirements for graduation by meeting or exceeding goals as outlined and agreed upon within the IEP.