CASA's College and Career Readiness program is designed to connect students to post-secondary opportunities including colleges and universities, trade and technical schools, military service, apprenticeships, or workforce training. Students are provided with a variety of experiences which will help them decide on a successful career pathway that pursues lifelong learning and productive citizenship. CASA's artistic and academic disciplines embed the Pennsylvania Career and Work Standards into their individual curriculums. Additional activities are planned throughout the year to assist every student in developing an individualized career plan.
In accordance with state requirements, students are required to complete a minimum of eight activities which demonstrate College and Career Readiness by the end of their junior year.
Below is an overview of the various College and Career Readiness program activities students have the opportunity to participate in during their time at CASA:
9th Grade
Personal Interests Assessment
Personality and Career Interest Assessment
STEM Event
CASA Career Fair
Career Cluster Badge Research and Design Challenge
Junior Achievement Inspire Virtual Career Fair and Webinar Series
Master Classes
Field Trips
eDynamic Career Courses
10th Grade
STEM Event
Career Exploration Field Trip
ASVAB CEP Assessment
CASA Career Fair
Be Entrepreneurial Program
Mini-Shadow Experience
Master Classes
Field Trips
eDynamic Career Courses
11th Grade
Junior Shadow Day
Resume and Cover Letter Workshops
Mock Interview Workshop
Post-Secondary Fairs and Events
Be Entrepreneurial Program
Master Classes
Field Trips
eDynamic Career Courses
12th Grade
Internship Program
Mini-Shadow Experience
Hands-only CPR/AED Training
Financial Aid Presentation
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace Presentation
Developing Your Personal Brand Presentation
Post-Secondary Fair and Events
Be Entrepreneurial Program
Master Classes
Field Trips
eDynamic Career Courses